Week Notes #17


I’m going to write less this week because I am tired and achy and it’s hard to put a lot of energy into anything.


Re-watched We Live In Public. I first watched it over 10 years ago, but it still feels like it’s predicting stuff that’s only coming into realisation now.


I only found out about John Prine when he passed away this week, i’ve since become obsessed with this song, Clay Pigeons. I’m 70% of the way to learning it on guitar.


Did some cloud spotting from the living room window yesterday, probably the weekend highlight.


Finally edited and posted some photos from my trip to Joshua Tree last summer. There are some black and white ones and some colour ones. I’m pretty happy with them. Also posted a bunch of 35mm stuff from Vancouver here.

I really would rather be in the desert right now.


It felt like a good time to start watching The Last Man on Earth again, which I now realise is set in 2020..


I’ve been doing a 10~ mile loop on my bike over London Bridge, back over Westminster Bridge, and along the Thames.

Did a longer loop on Good Friday, passing along Hyde Park and Regents Park. Cycling is one of the few things keeping me sane right now and these little excursions making me appreciate London in a strange way.


I’ve changed the paragraph font on this blog to Neue Haas Unica. I was getting bored with Ivar Text and it everything I write feels a little more casual this way, which is good because what I write is usually trash.


I still can’t sleep. 6 hours a night is the best I can do right now. Not terrible, not great.


Photo: 6am sunlight in the living room some time last week (Nikon L35 AF).