Week Notes #35

– I always run out of time / energy to write these at the weekend now for some reason

– Maybe if they feel like a chore I should be spending my time writing something else

– I love Noah Kalina’s newsletters. Each one feels like a mini short story but somehow connected to recent, often seemingly trivial events in his life

– I think I might try and nudge these weekly blogs in that – more interesting and purposeful – direction

– Right now I mainly seem to be writing about films i’ve watched, which is fine I guess

– I watched Badlands over the past weekend and fell in love with it.

– I now know where True Romance got a lot of it’s best ideas from, though it still stands up on it’s own

– Badlands was more weird and beautiful. I think I need to watch more Terrence Malick. I never did see The Tree of Life.

– Also watched Heaven Knows What which was very good. Like Trainspotting 2, except in New York and more gritty and darker.

– Badlands is set in South Dakota and Montana (though was actually filmed in Colorado)

– Somewhat coincidentally the same day I watched this a print i’d ordered of a photo I took in the actual Badlands of South Dakota arrived in the post.

– Little coincidences like this keep me going

– it’s printed on silk and cost about £20. Its one of my favorite photos from that bike trip as it captures a sense of scale that is more representative of roadtrips as a whole.

– I also bought a rug, a hallway mirror, and another plant for the flat. It’s really come together. Especially the hallway which was always a bit dark and dingy and even more so after a dog I was looking after pissed all over the carpet their back in February.

– Now the house is feeling good i’m going to attempt to have a more frugal month in September. Though the idea of escaping to Europe is becoming more tempting each day..

– Outside of films and house stuff I had a nice gravel ride around Epping Forest again on Sunday morning. A little more slippy in the mud, but still fun.

– I’ve since fitted a pair of more mud-safe tyres for the ride i’ve been planning next week on the South Downs Way. Weather is not looking fantastic right now, so i’ll need the all the extra grip I can get.


Photo: Epping Forest, 10.19am Sunday Morning