Week Notes #18


On Monday I gave my notice at MetaLab after 3+ years. I’m very excited to be starting at Loom in a couple of weeks.

I joined MetaLab as someone fresh back from a year away travelling..feeling pretty out of touch and naive about design and work in general. I leave it as….something else. It’s been tough at times but the good – especially the experiences i’ve had out in Canada which have really shaped the last two years – far outweigh any bad.

Entering the product world is daunting. It’s my first role of this kind, but above all i’m excited to have a change and do something new.

Maybe i’ll start to write about work here.


I have felt like total crap all week. It’s like my body shut down after handing my notice in as weeks of stress and lingering cold/flu symptoms finally caught up with me.

I experienced extreme body aches, tension headaches, a cough which wouldn’t die. It was the worst i’ve felt in a while and since paracetamol did nothing I survived on hot water bottles and Tiger Balm.

Now, early on Monday morning, minus a few dull aches, the worst of this seems to have passed and I think I might feel human again.


Aside from resigning and recovering the week was very quiet and I left the house only a couple of times. I had time to post a bunch of 35mm photos i’d taken in BC over the last two years..

Also had time to rewatch Wild Wild Country in it’s entirety (still such a trip). One of my favourite parts is a short montage in the second or third episode – before the mass poisonings and attempted murders and everything going to shit – when things were still in a state of utopia and everyone is happy, and this Damien Jurado track plays:


Other films this week: Being John Malkovich (also still such a trip), half of the The Hateful Eight (beautiful but long af when you have a headache – will finish), Super Size Me 2 (three stars I guess, but really felt for those chicken farmers..).


Doing a pretty good job at not looking at the news. Ignorance is not exactly bliss but it’s helping.


Changed my Instagram handle to kim.zip because kimwalkr was starting to remind me too much of flickr or tumblr or any number of web 2.0 startups.


I spend at least 60% of my time now sitting in the living room listening to ambient music and reading or tapping at this laptop. Favourite album this week:


Photo: In the living room early one morning a few weeks ago (Nikon L35 AF).