Week Notes #19


My last week at MetaLab. Two weeks notice doesn’t give you a huge amount of time to process much or get too reflective and nostalgic about it all, which is for the best. And without the physical separation of an office it did feel slightly anti-climatic at the end. Perhaps it will kick in this week when I’m locked out of Slack – the digital equivalent of handing in the office key fob.

I had a nice send off in the design share on Tuesday, plus Lee gave a brief goodbye presentation on Friday. I have recordings of both Zoom calls which i’m sure i’ll revisit in the future.

Coinciding with my change of jobs, i’ve decided it’s time to lay to rest my pink profile picture from 2016. I’m getting Francesca to shoot something new this week. It had a good run, and kind of took on a life of it’s own. If anything, this will be my legacy at MetaLab.


I spent most of the week trying to fit in as many farewell chats as I could with friends and colleagues from South Africa to Paris to Portland. So by proxy, I like to think I kind of made it out the house, when in actual fact I think I left the house just twice between Sunday and Saturday.


I have a week off before starting at Loom. Unfortunately it looks like the good spell of weather i’ve been observing from my window is drawing to a close, with rain forecast from Tuesday onwards.

Not ideal timing, since I was hoping to use this week to spend a bit of time outside and get out on my bike, but the downtime will be good inside or out.


My new work laptop arrived at my front door in London after leaving San Francisco less than 72 hours before. This blows my mind for some reason.


Watched They Live on Sunday night. Perhaps the dumbest smartest film i’ve watched. Loved these black and white cityscapes seen through the alien revealing sunglasses.


Finished reading Hooked and started reading The Social Photo which has been great so far (33 pages in). Hooked was decent, it puts a good framework around a lot of decisions that now seem second nature in product design, with some interesting references to psychological studies.


I fell asleep doing Headspace this week. Not sure if that means i’m getting better at meditation or totally missing the point of it.


I ate 6 Bagel Guys bagels in 4 days. The best bagels i’ve had outside Montreal. Also the more stale they get the better. I’ll be ordering 12 more this week.


Photo: Friday evening from my office window, at the end of my final day with MetaLab.