Week Notes #20


I had the week off before starting my new job. I hoped it would go a lot slower than it did. Or be a little more productive. For no decent reason I started watching Breaking Bad (my third rewatch). This occupied many hours.


Francesca took a new profile photo of me and helped me edit it. It’s uncomfortable looking at yourself in this much detail. Particularly when your eyes are as sleep deprived as mine.


It rained. We saw a near perfect double rainbow from the living room.


All the ambient music i’ve been listening to during the pandemic has started to feel incredibly morbid. So i’ve switched to jazz, which is a genre i’ve never felt confident navigating. But i’ve found this 39 track Vince Guaraldi album and kept it on repeat. Even the Christmas tracks sound good right now.


Watched Falling Down. I remember it being more of a dark comedy the first time I watched it years ago, now it just struck me as dark. After They Live, the second LA based meltdown film i’ve watched in 7 days. I’ll probably take a break from those for a while..


Almost finished reading The Social Photo, 17 pages to go. It’s been the best thing i’ve read in a long time. And has made me reconsider how I think about images now, plus offline / online life in general.


Bought a load more bagels.


The best news this week. Eleven months after a Google Streetview car passed Lee and I as we were cycling in California last year the images finally made it to the map. I’d been checking every few weeks after pinning the location in the map as soon as we noticed it, but had started to give up hope.

It’s a nice record of the trip, especially since it captures us cycling during one of the few sunny days, and before I ploughed into the roadside two days later, prematurely ending the trip. The road itself was entirely unassuming – a bumpy, muddy farm road which passed alongside artichoke fields, about 25 miles from Monterey on the approach to Moss Landing which is notable for being one of the best places in the world to see sea otters, which you might not expect on the approach to it as you are greeted by two power plant towers.

A few miles after Moss Landing you can join the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail which is probably one of the best car-free sections of the entire coast.

Anyway, at least for a short time we have been immortalised online here.

Especially enjoying this reverse angle with the seagull entering the frame as the road curves on the horizon.


Photo: Saturday evening in London, looking Eastwards.