Week Notes #21


Short notes this week because i’m tired and it’s already Wednesday again.


My first week at Loom. A big change and a lot to take in but feeling good.


Stuff I bought: a replacement Hario ‘mizudashi‘ cold brew maker after smashing my old one on Saturday, finally a proper office chair for my workspace (it’s impossible to find a chair which is good for your back but isn’t a hideously ugly big piece of plastic crap).


Reading: finished The Social Photo, started The Laws of Simplicity.


Stuff I watched: Raising Arizona, Office Space, about two complete seasons of Breaking Bad.


Listening to: The final track from Brian Eno’s Music for Aiports, 2/2:


Did: not a whole lot. Worked a few later evenings to cross over as much as I could with new work people, spent a little of Saturday morning in Clissold Park. Ate Yard Sale Pizza for the third Friday in a row.


Photo: Saturday night Jenga